Tom and Ruth have a child star - yes, their daughter is a star of course, but so is their dog, Pippi. Abandoned as a puppy, Pippi had a dislocated or broken shoulder, and wasn't in good shape. Lucky for Pippy, she found a family to care for her, and now look - no-one can resist her charms.
As you can see, the shoulder story didn't end well. Pippi's front right leg had to be amputated because of infection. Three-legged dogs remind me of the story about a dog called Lucky, but that's for another time.
Meanwhile, Pippi is fĂȘted wherever she goes, particularly by the folks at O'Leary's Tiki Bar.
If love your pets as much as Tom and Ruth (and everyone else) loves Pippi, I hope you'll contact me about making your house less dangerous for your favourite cat or dog.
Or check out this YouTube video.
Technorati: Clean Floors for your Paws, Pit Bull, Dogs, Green Your House, Safe for Pets.
Oh I love pippi, I used to have 2 dogs very similar excet they were staffies.One of them had only one eye...the were called Barry & Sharon, or bazza and Shazza, the perfect westie coulple.
Bazza and Shazza sound like Bogans to me, Enigma. If it's possible for dogs to even be Bogans.
I wonder.....
Well timmy me fine young laddie, you can just go ahead and i hope you do:)
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