Cats don't care. Not one iota, not in the smallest way do they think who we are is important. However important we think we are, none of it has any bearing on your cat. Your money, your degrees, your erudition...they're all for nought to a cat, for a cat has no use for such things.
It's a quality that un-nerves people. A staring cat sees straight through you, right through the carefully constructed face we present to the world, and right through your ego.
What is important to the cat is how well you live up to their requirements. Are we attentive when required? Are we hands-off when not required? Do we provide regular, tasty food? Do we drop everything when affection is the cat's priority? Do we provide a selection of warm, comfortable sleeping places? Do we play well when it's playtime?
You are nothing.
The cat is everything.
And don't forget it.
Going to sleep at night, sometimes Sam drapes over my feet, and Macduff settles in on my stomach.
At such times I occasionally, briefly consider moving into a more comfortable position.
Then I remember:
Their comfort is everything.
Funny, it's as if all cat-lovers end up in the same contortions every night, and for the same reason.
How can we disturb the wee bubbas when they look so comfortable?
So funny, Doc.
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