When I was taught to draw a cat (at age 5) there were four components to remember. The body, the head, the tail and the ears. Sure it's only a silhouette, but nonetheless recognizeably a cat, mostly because of those triangles at the top.
It's obvious they're great for hearing mice rustling in the hay. Like so much about cats, their hearing and processing is utterly tuned to keep them alive and in food. Talk about a perfectly designed killing machine!
I love watching an alert cat rotate those things around so they catch the minutest (mouse-ee-est?) wee noise. You just know they are interpreting what each sound means, whether it's a threat or lunch. Luckily for me, my two are indoor cats, and there are precious few mice around for them to kill and show me.
In any case, when they're in the mood, they both love having their ears scruffed and rubbed, just like some people.
One of my boys loves having his ears rubbed; the other one, not so much.
As for me, unlike some people, apparently, scruffing is definitely out.
I always used to loe lightly running my finger tip over my cat's fine hairs on the inside of her ear and watching her ears twitch. :)
So cats are just like us, Doc. It's all about personal preference presumably. I'm one of those unconvinced of the stimulating effect of ear scruffing in humans...they're not an erotic zone in that way. Plus they're not as bendy and pliable as cat ears. M-penny and TT are big on the ear-affection.
Ha ha, Girl, it's funny that you were so experimental with your cat. Truth told, I would do similar things to my childhood cats. (Although nothing as bad as whiskers-chopping!)
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