An old saw has it that "cats lick the sunshine from their coats." Apparently that isn't so, and they mostly receive their Vitamin D from their food. The vets here tell us that cats are poor at converting light to vitamin D, unlike their human owners.
Facts over folklore.
You know, what you mentioned about cleaners being unsafe is really true.A friend of mine used to let her kitten play in the under sink cupboard, the poor thing ended up with horrific burns when it spilt the draino on herself.Cats are like children , and should be protected.
Oh, that's so sad, Enigma. Poor wee thing.
Yes, exactly right; cats are just like children, and need either to be protected from their own curiosity, or have as many dangers as possible minimized.
That's why I want folks to replace their regular cleaning products with the ones I use...not only because it's good for their pets, but it's good for them too!
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