Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tortoise love

There are many cat resources on the internet. One I found recently is Tortie Love. The link takes you to some fun tortoiseshell facts.

Miss T-Tail is my first tortoise cat. She's a white tortoise, meaning that she has white belly and paws. It's clear that these cats have a different air about them. Miss T wants to be the boss - she and Moneypenny are at odds over this, but Miss T wins by dint of perseverance.

I'm trying to put my finger on exactly what's different about her. When she was an outside cat, she was always getting into scrapes. As a kitten, she once spent a night atop a palm tree, because she could get up, but not down. She's adventurous and careful, affectionate and aloof, totally mine, and totally her own.

Miss Tortoise-Tail, Miss T-Tail, Miss T. She's my tortie, and she's the best.


DocAnnie said...

"...totally mine, and totally her own."

Quintessentially cat, your Miss T.

Anonymous said...

Such a sassy face :)

Tim said...

Interesting. I didn't think of that when I wrote it, but you're on to something there, Doc. That is the essence of the cat.

Isn't it, Girl! She's in her "totally her own" mode there.

*she's thinking: take that stupid camera away and get outta my face you dope*